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During 2024, Lawrence Prospera served over 1,000 individuals living in and around the City of Lawrence. 

  • The SISU Center provided programming and services to over 500 at risk and proven risk young men and women. 200 young people worked towards benchmarks identified in their Indiviudal Service Plans and moved one step closer to a sustainable future for themselves and their families. Over 400 young people participated in the SISU Basketball program.

  • The SISU Center provided programming and services to 598 at risk and proven risk young men and women. 298 young people worked towards benchmarks identified in their Indiviudal Service Plans and moved one step closer to a sustainable future for themselves and their families. 391 young people participated in the inaugural year of the SISU Basketball program.

  • The Quintana Center provided ESL and Citizenship Classes to 303 members of the Lawrence Community. The Quintana Center's classes bring local immigrants one step closer to the full benefits of United States Citizenship. 41 Quintana Center Clients became new US Citizens.

  • Lawrence Prospera provided $87,000 in scholarships to members of the classes of 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 for some of New Englands top notch private high schools. These scholarships allow students, who otherwise could not afford a private school eduation, the opportunity to compete with the world's elite.  

  • During 2023, Lawrence Prospera's food service program provided 3,485 meals a day to young people in Lawrence. These meals included breakfast and lunch for charter school students and local day care and afterschool programs in the City. The Food service program also provided breakfast lunch and dinner to young adults at the SISU Center. 

Our goal for 2024 is to keep the ball rolling... rolling on the basketball court... rolling at the worksites… rolling in the clasrooms...  rolling through the streets of Lawrence!

With your help SUCCESS is achievable!

  • $50 - Provides a housing unstable SISU participant with  a care package which includes a toiletry kit, shower shoes, clean undergarments, a water bottle and a Target Gift Card.

  • $100 - Assists one Citizenship Client with completing the N-400 Application for Naturalization.

  • $500 - Supports 2 meals a day for a week for 10 young people through Lawrence Prospera's food service program

  • $1,000 - Purchases Uniforms for 3 SISU Basketball Teams

If You Are Not Comfortable Making An Online Payment

Donations may be sent to:
Attn: Paul Heithaus
Lawrence Family Development, Inc. d/b/a Lawrence Prospera
355 Haverhill Street
Lawrence, MA 01840

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Donation to Adult Education Program

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